Guess who's dropping by for another non committal update? I know, I'm terrible! I blame the mentor whiplash!

In all seriousness though, talking to people does help. It seems like everybody thinks I'm onto something with Fashfix but what 'IT' is, nobodys' sure. Every brand has a defining 'thing' - whether its Chanel's interlocking Cs, the PS1 which popularized Proenza, or Anna Wintour at Vogue. And until we can pin point what our "killer" feature is, we're never going to be able to reach that "IT"-bag (or in our case, company) status. 

In true lean start up fashion and under Justin's advisement, if you're a girl who likes shopping, with genuine sincerity and humility, I'd love to chat with you (: 

(And yes, that is The Fashfix Insiders and Yes, you will get to test out new stuff before everyone else, and Yes it will only take 10 minutes of your time!) 

Please leave your email address in the comments or HERE


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