TEAandFLEA was GREAT. After all the hard work put in I'm so glad the event turned out successfully! 100 people attending, 2 amazing talks, tons and tons of photos & cloudstaprints and lots of really happy bloggers = Fashfix's take on Singapore IFBcon (:

And as much as I'd like to take kudos for the whole event obviously thats not quite true. Firstly a huge thanks to Renee, Lenne, Pei, Rachel, Mas and Dorothy who gave up their Saturday afternoon to share their thoughts with everyone. Major props also to Chloe who was an amazing moderator. To my friends (Xin Kai, Bliss, Puay, Gwen, Sin Ning) and the boyfriend who support me in every single event. And of course the amazing sponsors Avalon, Strip, Browhaus, Manicurious, Elle, Cloudstaprint, Dottinghill and Lemongrass for making the event that much sweeter. Huge thanks to Marcel of Artistry for loaning us the amazing place and last but not least, to everybody who came down for the event - I hope you loved it as much as I did!

I've been collecting people's thoughts on the event - if I've missed you out please do leave a comment and I'll happily include your link in the list (:

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  1. hey there! It was so lovely seeing you at the incredible event you hosted a few weeks ago!
    I have also blogged about it here: http://thegreenraybans.blogspot.sg/2013/02/red-velvet-cupcakes-thrift-shopping.html

    NIcole from the green raybans


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