And this is why Marc Jacobs is not just an amazing designer but also has a multi-million dollar business.

To paraphrase his words, what I've learnt this week is "Start ups mean nothing until someone buys their product". Mr Jacobs puts it in much more veiled terms but essentially, the same. So this week, I've been focusing mostly on customer development - aka talking to lots of customers and trying to tease out exactly what she wants. 

I've only done a few customer interviews but I've already learnt a lot. And what I've learnt is vastly different from what the many enlightened gentlemen (aka fuddy duddy aged male investors) told me to expect. I'll fill you in on the details when I have a more complete picture but for now, I'm going to listen to Steven from mig33.

psst - If you'd like join my little research project, do sign up here!  (:

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