I bought these First Kiss nail stickers whilst killing time in Sasa. Its taken me 3 months to actually try them out but now I wish I hadn't waited so long!

The application is super easy - just match up the nail size to the right sticker size. This pack came with 28 different strips of varying widths so you're guaranteed to get one which fits. Just line it up, use a nail clipper to cut off the excess sticker, a touch of filing and voila!

Aside from a super easy application, the nails themselves look amazing (one of my friends actually thought I had pasted all those rhinestones on my nails which would have been kerazeee!) My nail stickers also had a pop-up texture and they personally remind me of those Chloe ankle boots.

Now I'm just hoping that they don't damage my nails when its time to remove them. If they don't then I might just be saying goodbye to nail polish for a while (:

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