I'm super glad to tell you guys Fashfix was shortlisted for JFDI Bootcamp (hooray - more proof that Fashfix is actually going to succeed in rethinking how girls around the world get their clothes!) Honestly, this couldn't have come at a better time. What with Chinese New Year and the avalanche of beloved and concerned gaggle along the lines of

"So, hows your business - got make big money or not?"
"Aiya, such a waste ar your law degree"
"So when you going back to Hong Kong to be a lawyer?"
"Got featured in Straits Times! Wah, so good! But no use what if you are not making a lot"
"Your cousin just finished his phd and got employed by his professor! You should go be a lawyer"

Now I shall have a rebuff - FASHFIX GOT INTO JFDI! Woot woot! (;

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